Title: "Roadmaps for the Sexually Challenged:
All's Not Fair in Love or War"
Author: Marlan Warren
Kindle E-Book
Novel (Contemporary Women's Fiction/Divorce)
Amazon Review by Author Celia Conrad: April 1, 2015
be misled by the title of this novel into thinking that it is just another
erotic romance, written on the back of the successful book and now film Fifty
Shades of Grey.
Set in
1990’s L.A. this book was actually conceived and written by the author in 1994
and written against the backdrop of the O.J. Simpson trial. What sets this book
apart is that it has key messages for the reader as it deals with relationships
across different cultures while addressing the realities women face when change
is enforced upon them by life-altering events such as divorce. Carrie Walker,
the lead character, now alone after many years of marriage, has to go through
various stages to reinvent herself and find what and whom she really wants in
her life. Her steamy relationship with the Japanese American Shane is part of
that cathartic process. From this point of view the book is really more
contemporary women’s fiction.