Friday, May 8, 2015

REVIEW: "If you've ever traveled the rough road of romance and got lost..."

Here's the Amazon link!


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Product Details:
Hardhitting: 332 relentlessly honest pages.
Purchaser: Anyone who's ever had a heart.
Language: Explicit; also, erotic, enraged, empathetic, empowering.

Book Description: If you've been right there and done very nearly that, "Roadmaps" can take you, via clear and easy-to-read lines, right home to the 1990s LA, CA., but it's not a trip for nostalgia junkies alone.

If you've ever lived in any big city you'll recognize the oases of beloved parks and restaurants tucked between the freeways and skyscrapers, and if you've ever had community you'll recognize the friends, neighbours, and teachers offering travel tips and advice on your route.

If you've ever traveled a rough road of romance anywhere, and got lost, "Roadmaps" can take you back. Retrace your steps and you will recognize landmarks you might have missed before, in the same places you once took a wrong turn.

If you've never been down that road, or you're an old traveler on the verge of taking another trip, use "Roadmaps" as a cautionary guide. Like a modern take on the Regency and Victorian tales of romance written to caution young ladies before it might be too late, and their young lives blighted forever, "Roadmaps for the Sexually Challenged" could be a challenge to us all. "Don't go unconscious for love."

Wherever you may travel, may you come to a point like "Roadmaps" brings us to, with a dazzling three hundred and sixty degree view.

--Honor Bright (Yep, it's a nom de plume!)

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